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PSHE and RSE at Alanbrooke


  • Our aim at Alanbrooke is to grow confident learners. As part of our school philosophy, we encourage a growth mindset in our teaching and learning approach and through our positive behaviour policy.
  • Our PSHE curriculum aims to develop our school values of Resilience, Courage, Acceptance, Kindness and Respect. We aim to foster these values in all that we do across the wider Alanbrooke curriculum and to explicitly teach these as part of our discreet PSHE curriculum.
  • We value the importance of children’s mental health and wellbeing and aim to promote and support this in school. We recognise the vital role that quality PSHE provision has in safeguarding children and their rights and responsibilities in our modern world.
  • Our curriculum also takes into account local issues affecting the children in our school and their communities. We know our children, their families and community well and so include discussion and experiences, which are relevant to them.
  • We celebrate diversity and are committed to encouraging all learners to take an active part in PSHE, including those with special educational needs.



Whole School

  • PSED and PSHE is taught by skilled teachers who create a safe, inclusive, and respectful learning environment. They utilize a variety of teaching strategies, such as discussions, group work, role-plays, and reflective exercises, to actively engage students in their learning. Teachers encourage pupils to think critically, express their opinions, and develop empathy towards others. We promote open dialogue and ensure that all voices are heard, fostering a culture of mutual respect and understanding.
  • In addition to the PSHE / PSED curriculum, themes are covered through our timetable of daily acts of worship in school and class assemblies. (e.g. Modern British Values, Awareness Campaigns, Visits from local religious groups) Additional experiences are planned to support areas pertinent to the children. We actively involve external agencies, such as health professionals, police officers, and mental health charities, in our PSHE provision to provide specialist insights and further strengthen our links with the wider community. PSHE and personal development are supported through the wider curriculum and by our behaviour policy.
  • We foster strong partnerships with parents and the wider community to reinforce positive messages and support pupil well-being. Regular communication about what we are teaching, through curriculum newsletters, means that parents can continue pertinent conversations at home.
  • Regular monitoring of PSHE lessons are conducted to ensure high-quality teaching and learning. This used to provide feedback to teachers, identify areas for improvement, and celebrate good practice.


  • We follow the Development Matters Early Years Curriculum.
  • PSED (Personal, Social and Emotional Development) is a key area and is highly valued as an important part of children’s good level of development.
  • PSED is reinforced through modelling of high quality interactions between adults and children.
  • Explicit teaching and learning takes place through circle time, small group work and interactions within the setting.

Key Stage 1 and 2

  • Teachers deliver PSHE in class groups. We follow the PSHE Association Thematic Planning approach so that all ages focus on each theme at the same point in the year. Sets of objectives are used for teachers to plan learning over the course of half terms. An adaptive teaching approach is taken to tailor learning for particular cohorts of children. The same units are taught each year so that knowledge and understanding is developed over time, alongside the personal development of the children. This spiral curriculum approach, revisiting key concepts and themes at an appropriate depth, ensures that students build a secure understanding over time.
  • Children are encouraged to discuss and reflect on new ideas and take part in collaborative games and activities. They are taught to recognise and talk about their own feelings and experiences. All learners are supported and encouraged to do this, and additional provision is made when needed for those with special educational needs. Resources to support teaching and learning include 1decision, PSHE Association, Premier League Stars, CEOP and others. In KS1 children’s reflection and response to learning is recorded in floor books for each class. In KS2, children use PSHE books. Recording is personal and flexible – including pictures and writing, enabling all children to succeed.
  • Statutory RSE is taught through PSHE and Science. In KS2, some specific lessons are taught in year groups due to the growing maturity levels of the children. Non-statutory Sex Education (from which parents are entitled withdraw their children) is taught in Upper KS2.


 The impact of our curriculum is measured through a variety of techniques:

  • Pupil voice (including School Council, feedback in assemblies and focused discussion with children regarding PSHE)
  • Link Governor Monitoring
  • Parent Consultation
  • Teacher Feedback
  • Learning Walks
  • Examples of Pupil’s Work
  • Planning and annotations

Children feel safe in school, and feel able to talk to adults and their peers about things that worry them. They have a growing sense of belonging, and how they can successfully manage friendships throughout their time at Alanbrooke.

They can talk about ways to keep themselves safe, including being safe online. Our robust, yet flexible curriculum allows children to develop holistically, enabling better outcomes in terms of their relationships, health and wellbeing, and how they approach and manage challenges successfully in the wider world. 

Relationships and Sex Education, RSE

The aims of relationships and sex education (RSE) at Alanbrooke Academy, in line with our ethos and values, are to:

  • Provide a framework in which sensitive discussions can take place;
  • Prepare children for puberty, and give them an understanding of sexual development and the importance of health and hygiene;
  • Help children develop feelings of self-respect, confidence and empathy;
  • Create a positive culture around issues of sexuality and relationships;
  • Teach children the correct vocabulary to describe themselves and their bodies;
  • Contribute to the Ofsted expectations around children’s ‘personal development’ and ‘behaviour & attitudes’;
  • Provide high-quality learning and teaching to help safeguard children and promote children’s learning and life chances.